A feminine cartoon character with mixed medium-length black hair and pointy ears. she is wearing glasses and a black athletic jacket with a gray hood. She is smiling with her head tilted to the side while holding her hands in front of her and using her middle and pointer fingers to make a heart shape. There is a glowing outline around her in the colors of the transfeminine pride flag.

About Her

She's an AuDHD, pan-lesbian, xenofluid femby in her 30s, currently stuck in an extra mid part of the so-called United States. She's an tranarcha-feminist with strong nihilist and post-civ leanings. Also an oddball mix of existential nihilist, egoist, and absurdist, with a hint of Buddhism.

She has an ASUS TUF F15 laptop running (for now) Pop!_OS with KDE. Most of her free time recently has been spent with her nose buried in HTML and CSS files. She's still new to web development but has found herself unusually passionate about it, so far. For gaming, she's been stuck on Session and Rocket League, with some survival crafting games thrown into the mix. She's tried to play some RPGs but she may have burnt herself out with back-to-back Divinity: OSII runs.

The rest of her free time is split between reading philosophy, anarchist theory, and some manga, getting out into nature, visual art, creative writing, and mutual/direct aid - all as her spoon levels allow. She also has an unhealthy relationship with social media, if you can't tell by the four fediverse accounts listed. She has a secret one, too.



Nya! Welcome to her little nest. She's still figuring out what she wants to do with this place so there's not much here yet, but feel free to check out what is here - especially the webrings and buttons. Feel free to add her button and hotlink it as well to make sure it's up-to-date.

This site is her pet project as she learns HTML, CSS, and - eventually - JavaScript. As such, expect some jank and busted formatting as pages go up before they are complete.


Change the look of the site!


Cool Folks

Draggian Universe lily


Find Her

  • Ask her! friends only
  • Ask her! friends only
  • muttindacut@proton.me
